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GradGrow (비교과)


프로그램명 2023-1 외국인 대학원생 입학홍보대사 선발(Recruiting Admission Ambassador) by 19 March
일정 2023-03-28 (화)09:00 ~2023-07-31 (월)09:00 장소 대학원 Office of Graduate School 정원 25
신청기간 2023-03-20 (월)09:00 ~2023-03-20 (월)18:50 문의처 032-530-5916

2023학년도 1학기 외국인 대학원생 입학홍보대사 선발
우리 대학원에 수학 중인 우수 외국인 유학생을 대학원 입학홍보대사로 선발하여 본국의 출신교 및 후배를 대상으로 대학원 홍보활동 강화를 위해 2023학년도 1학기 외국인 대학원생 입학홍보대사를 선발·운영하오니, 대학원생의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

1. 지원자격: 외국인 일반대학원 재학생 및 수료후등록생

2. 모집인원: 15명 내외

3. 활동기간: 2023. 3. 28. ~ 2023. 7. 31.

4. 활동내용
- 국가별 실정에 맞는 적극적 대학원 온라인 입시홍보 및 SNS 운영
- 1:1 입시 상담 및 지원
- 국제협력본부 외국인 전형 입시 지원

5. 혜택: 활동지원비(25만원) 지급 및 활동증명서 발급(활동 종료후, 활동보고서 제출), 우수활동자 포상금 지급
6. 지원방법
가. 대학원 홈페이지 로그인 후 학생성장지원 – Grad Grow(비교과) 게시글 하단 '신청하기' + 지원서(국문 혹은 영문), 개인정보이용동의서 첨부
나. 문의사항: 대학원혁신본부 인재양성실 담당자 062-530-5916, yrcho@jnu.ac.kr
Application for CNU Admission Ambassador Program
The CNU Admission Ambassador Program will be a great opportunity for current students to be involved in the promotion of CNU and to share their experiences with prospective students and the community. Current students will be able to pass on their knowledge, insights, and enthusiasm on what it is like to be a university student at CNU.

International graduate school student(including students who have completed coursework but are still registered)

Responsibilities & Expectations
• Promote a positive image of the college and introduce scholarships to your home university, friends, or anybody who might be interested in studying in Korea
• Carry online ambassador activities on popular SNS platforms in your country
• Follow-up with prospective students
• Currently enrolled international graduate students (including enrolled students who completed coursework)
• Candidates must be recommended by their academic advisor at CNU
• Ability to participate in the program for at least one semester
Activity supporting fee 250,000won + certificate of participation(required to submit the final report), extra rewards for outstanding ambassadors

How to apply
After log-in the portal, please go the Graduate School website (webgs.jnu.ac.kr – 학생성장지원 – Grad Grow(비교과)) and apply by 19 March. You need to click the green button(신청하기) at the bottom of the notice and attach the application form.

Selection Schedule
• Application period: March 9 ~ March 19, 2023
• Document Screening: March 21, 2023
• Interview: March 23, 2023
• Announcement: March 27, 2023
• Orientation: @4pm March 28, 2023(The schedule is subject to change.)
The results of the document screening will be notified individually.

If you have any questions about the International Ambassador, feel free to contact the Office of Graduate School at yrcho@jnu.ac.kr