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Application for Course Withdrawal, Fall 2020

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.09.22 09:56 조회334

1. Application Period for withdrawing from classes and credits: September 24th (Thu) ~ 25th(Mon) 17:00


2. Qualification for application 

a. Enrolled students who want to withdraw from classes and credits 

b. Class withdrawal is allowed only if there is a minimum of one course remaining after the withdrawal.


3. Procedure 

Go to the CNU portal website http://portal.jnu.ac.kr sign in My academic affairs Course Course Application Course Drop Application


4. Check the results of course drop  

a. After the application for course withdrawal, please check the results of the course drop.  

b. Go to the CNU portal website http://portal.jnu.ac.kr sign in My academic affairs Course Course Application Course Registration Records


5. Notes 

a. Those who applied for the course drop will be ineligible for [credit carry over] in the next semester.  

b. Students may not enroll in another class after dropping a class.  

c. After the designated period, withdrawal is not possible.



Graduate school of Chonnam National University