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Academic Operations of Fall 2020

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.08.28 15:35 조회327
For the first two weeks of the fall semester, from September 1 (Tue) to 14 (Mon), classes will be conducted remotely through our e-class system at https://sel.jnu.ac.kr/login.php?errorcode=4&lang=en which will include assignments, on-line lectures, real time video conferencing, and K-MOOC. only practice-based courses and those that include lab experiments will be allowed to be offered in-person.

- Since individual courses will have their own protocols, one should inquire about the exact methods to the department office, or to the individual lecturers. You are also advised to log on to e-class, by September 1, 2020 at the latest, and to check on your registered course announcements for more information.
CNU decided to extend online classes for another five weeks(Sep. 14 ~ Oct. 17, 2020) and settled on methods of class operation.
- Online courses may be discontinued to initiate blended or offline courses before Oct. 17 if the government lowers the social distancing level.