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Recruit: Samsung Dream Scholarship

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.06.19 16:33 조회426


To provide international students with opportunity to conduct advanced studies in graduate programs from Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation


Total Candidates to be Selected: 1 person


[Scholarship Benefit]

- Scholarship period: Master’s: up to 4 semesters/ Ph.D. & Integrated: up to 6 semesters

- Award amount: 5,000,000won per semester(Those who are receiving other scholarships from other organizations or any financial support for research fund, will receive 3,500,000won per semester.)


[Application procedure]

- Academic Advisor: Recommend potential candidates

- Candidates: Write an application form (English or Korean) and submit it to the Department office till the designated date by one’s college(before 9 July)

- 1st Screening Results released: University level

- Document Preparation: Submit the additional document with academic professors’ recommendation letter

- Send Document: CNU Samsung



- International students from DAC List of ODA Recipients

- Students who have a TOPIK/TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS certificate (within 2 years) and achieved a minimum GPA of 3.75 for the previous semester.

- Points will be added for those who published more than one research paper in SCI, SCIE, NRF, SSCI, A&HCI Journal as a main writer.