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[Application] Department Change(Major)

작성자인재양성실 작성일2022.06.23 16:02 조회651
Application for Change of Department for enrolled students, fall 2022
This is to notify you of information about application for change of department for Fall semester, 2022. Those who want to change the department are required to submit the application form within the designated period stated below.
1. Qualification for application
- Enrolled students or students who is expected to return to school
2. Application period: 13 July, 2022 ~ 15 July, 2022 
3. Procedure:
- Complete the Change of Major Form(attache tranx-x-x-x-script)
- Submit the document to the Department Chair(desired major)
- Select the qualifed students 
- Sent the result to the Office of Academic Affairs
- Check the result, Pass of Fail(Notice board of CNU official website)
- Submit the credit recognition from the change of department  

4. Announcement: Notice board of CNU official website
5 Note
- The number of application for change of department is only once while in school.