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Registration Period for Students who have completed all required courses for Fall

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.07.17 13:28 조회361

Registration Period for Students who have completed all required courses for Fall, 2020 

(Research Registration / School register maintenance registration) 


Students who participate in any project(eg. BK21 plus or external research project) as a student researcher need to register, otherwise students can have a disadvantage for research funds or personnel expenses. 


- Eligibility: Registration for Students who have completed all required courses, but not thesis

- Procedure: PortalMy academic affairsRegistrationgraduate school registration after course completionapplication for registration after graduate school course completion

- Application Period: 13 Jul. 2020 ~ 31 Jul. 2020

- Print out the bill and payment period: 24 Aug. 2020 ~ 27 Aug. 2020

- Registration fee : 8% of the tuition fee